When you become a Diet.com Premium Member,
you'll receive
access to any of our Premium exercise plans, designed by certified personal trainers. Our plans can help you get started
with a new fitness routine or build upon what you already know with a progressive exercise plan structure. With three
levels of skill, you can follow a program that meets your needs, while pushing yourself to progress. Upgrade your account
to Premium to begin your lifestyle-based Diet.com exercise and meal plans today!
As a beginner you are making a great step for your health by beginning an exercise plan. With the
Beginner Exercise Plan, you can start slow, learning basic exercises that you can incorporate into
your new weekly fitness routine. Upgrade to a Premium membership to follow this 4-week exercise plan,
and at the end of 4 weeks you can decide if you're ready to progress to the next level, or if
you'd prefer to repeat the Beginner Exercise Plan till you feel more comfortable. View a 3-day
sample of the plan below!